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29 AUG '22

What Are The Best Lubes For Anal Sex?

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Looking for more information about what are the best lubes for anal sex? We've got the inside scoop on the different lubricants on the market as well as which lubes work best for your type of sex.

There are a two important factors to consider when choosing a lubricant. Firstly, since you want to indulge in anal sex, the best lubricants for this type of intercourse are water- or silicone-based lubes. The reason for this being that they reduce friction significantly thereby dramatically reducing the risk of a condom breaking. The lubricant must be generously applied on the outside of the condom and inside the anus, Remember to never apply lube on the inside of the condom as the can result in the condom slipping off during sex.

The second thing to check is the type of condom you are using or planning to use. Steer clear from oil-based lubricants if you want to use latex, polyisoprene or lambskin condoms. The oil disintegrates the material. You can however feel free to use an oil-based lube with polyurethane condoms

Water-based lube is the number one recommended lubricant for anal sex. Water-based lubricants can easily be found at your local supermarket. This type of lube is also relatively affordable. The fantastic news is that this lube can be used with all types of condoms and feels like natural lubrication. It also won't stain fabrics since it washes of very easily. The downside of this lube type is that it can feel sticky and dry out quickly.

A silicone-based lubricant is another great lube to use during anal sex. It is safe to use with all types of condoms and because there is no skin absorption, chances are slim to none that you will develop skin irritation. Another advantage to this lube is that it can be used underwater. It is also wonderfully long-lasting and non-sticky.

It is important to remember to always practice safe sex. Studies have shown that anal sex is the riskiest type of sex for getting or transmitting HIV. Being the receptive partner is significantly riskier for getting the disease than being the insertive partner this is due to the fact that the receptive partner's rectum lining is thin and may allow the virus to enter the body during anal sex.

Condoms are the most effective way of preventing transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. It is however important that condoms are used correctly and every single time during sex. If a condom breaks or slips off during intercourse, sex should cease immediately and a medical professional consulted as soon as possible.

It is crucial to know your STD status. This will help protect yourself and your partner. The sooner the STD diagnoses is made, the sooner treatment can commence. If you know you're positive you can take medication to stay healthy and reduce the risk of transmitting the disease, or if you're negative, knowing your status can give you more motivation to protect your sexual health.


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